Tuesday 5 November 2013

With a Male Dominant Legislature, Law Enforcement, Media There is NO Democracy!

Westerners Crisis

Sexual assault,Rape; Physical Assault; Pedophilia; Incest, Emotional and Psychological Abuse are a universal problem.

Western countries, Canada; U.S.A; Europe; Australia and New Zealand, display on the exterior Democracy.

The Definition of Democracy is: an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights. Do Western countries have equal rights are the people treated equally? NO! Minorities, Women, Disabled are NOT treated equal.

It is a fact that the majority of VOTERS are male and men Vote. Women until recently did not pay much attention to Politics, finding it boring, complex. Today more than ever, Women need to pay attention and they need to Vote. Recently there has been media attention to the corruption of Government regarding manipulation of Election Laws & Election Fraud.

In Western countries we have three main tiers of government; Federal, Provincial and Municipal. Members of these governments are elected in by the citizens of that country.  

The Federal government comprises of a House and a Senate. Members of these houses are elected in by the citizens.

Legislature is one of the most POWERFUL institutions in the country. The elected members enact BILLS (LAWS) that are suppose to be in the best interest of its Citizens. Laws are suppose to be unbiased, without prejudice, to be Fair, Equitable and Just. Laws are suppose to maintain the RIGHTS of the people;Laws are suppose to PROTECT the people. 

When we examine the male to female ratio of members in legislature we find the majority by a significant percentage are MALE. 

U.S. House of Representatives - 82% Male; 18% Female ~ Senate - 83% Male; 17% Female

Canada House of Commons -     76% Male; 24% Female ~ Senate - 66% Male; 33% Female

The United States Congress ~ http://www.thisnation.com/congress-facts.html 

There is a significant ratio disparity between Male and Female members, there is also a significant ratio disparity of Race ~ MAJORITY being White & Male. 

When legislative houses are not BALANCED either by gender or race, the MAJORITY WITH POWER prove they are not capable of ruling with objectivity, unbias. Democracy is a farce.

Fiduciary Duty Defined.

An individual in whom another has placed the utmost trust and confidence to manage and protect property or money. The relationship wherein one person has an obligation to act for another's benefit.
A fiduciary relationship encompasses the idea of faith and confidence and is generally established only when the confidence given by one person is actually accepted by the other person.

When we elect Governor's, MP's, Senators, we have placed them in a position of trust, to act honestly and in good faith. To make decisions that are fair, equal & just to ALL citizens. 

The POWER these members have been given is immense. When POWER is NOT balanced equally between gender & race it leaves citizens vulnerable. Women & Minority issues are severely compromised.


Corporations, Media, Legislature, Court Houses, Law Enforcement also have a significant IMBALANCE of Male to Female ratio AND Race. The MAJORITY wielding POWER in these industries/professions are MALE and WHITE.

Legislature ENACT the laws that govern businesses, institutions, individuals, Constitutionally, Criminally and Administratively.

Democracy is: an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights. Do Western countries have equal rights, are the people treated equally? NO!

What an imbalance (of Gender, Race, Political Party) of POWER means in a supposed Democrat Society

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) consists of a panel of 9 Justices. These Justices are appointed by the President who is in power at the time. Currently 5 of the SCOTUS Justices were appointed by the Republicans when they were in power. 4 of the SCOTUS Justices were appointed by Democrats. 

Police Chiefs/Deputy Police Chiefs are either appointed or elected. Is a municipal employee of a city or town. Majority of these officials are MALE and WHITE.

Media - 6 Corporations control 90% of the Media  ~ http://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6  A Significant Majority of these Corporations are owned/run by Males.

The latest ruling of unlimiting campaign donations "CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAW" by SCOTUS was SIGNIFICANT. This means ALL the Wealthy 1% (Millionaires) and .01% (Billionaires) can now fund any political member and AS MANY political members they want. In essence, if the Wealthy want the Republicans to have a majority in both HOUSES in the Legislature, they have the money to help make that happen. SCOTUS ruling has eliminated Democracy. The US is headed into an OLIGARCHY Society, whereby the Wealthy run the Government. 

Oligarchy ~ http://talkingpointsmemo.com/cafe/of-course-the-u-s-is-an-oligarchy-we-keep-electing-the-rich

Senator (Independent) Bernie Sanders spells it out well..  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rep-bernie-sanders/deficit-reduction-require_b_870377.html  Republicans want the deficit paid off by the middle class, poor meanwhile the wealthiest people in this country's tax rates are now the lowest on record.

Governors/Senators (Majority Republicans) are being bought by the Wealthy. They are the Puppets to the Wealthy Puppet Masters. Republican appointed SCOTUS Justices are BOUGHT by the Wealthy.

Republicans have blocked/filibustered the following BILLS: 

Jobs, Gun screening, Small business  http://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/recent-business/bills-blocked-by-republican-filibusters

Veterans Benefits http://www.politicususa.com/2014/05/24/republicans-care-vets-blocked-bill-expanding-veterans-benefits.html

Raise Minimum Wage  http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2014/04/30/senate-republicans-block-minimum-wage-increase-bill/

Military Justice Improvement Act  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/03/06/1282698/-Gillibrand-s-Military-Justice-Improvement-Act-blocked-in-Senate-vote

Senate Republicans block Student Loan Bill  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/03/06/1282698/-Gillibrand-s-Military-Justice-Improvement-Act-blocked-in-Senate-vote

Republicans block extending Unemployment Benefits  http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/06/politics/unemployment-insurance/

The House Republicans SHUT DOWN Congress for two weeks at a cost of 24 Billion Dollars in an attempt 2 halt implementation of Obamacare (ACA)

Affordable Care Act  http://thinkprogress.org/health/2014/03/23/3417482/gop-opposition/
Since ACA was passed, there have been 50 BILLS and counting to repeal it by Republicans.

Obama targets big oil company tax breaks while Republicans support oil company tax breaks  http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/29/politics/oil-subsidies/

Republicans biggest mandate is to get Keystone XL Pipeline approved for KOCH Bros. 

Republicans push Obama to approve Keystone XL Pipeline  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/11/republican-senators-keystone-xl_n_4769703.html

The biggest Republican financial supporters are the KOCH Bros. who own KOCH Industries. KOCH Bros. are the largest leaseholders of Alberta's Tar Sands.  


Alberta Tar Sands crude oil consists of Bitumem or “DilBit”—a highly corrosive, acidic, and potentially unstable blend of thick raw bitumen and volatile natural gas liquid condensate—raising risks of spills and damage to communities along their paths.  NRDC Report   http://www.nrdc.org/energy/files/tarsandssafetyrisks.pdf
Tax havens Republicans block bills attempting to close overseas loopholes  http://www.suntimes.com/news/jackson/25810230-452/big-money-lobbying-protects-big-tax-havens.html#.U59-LrH7Wo8

8th richest person, billionaire Sheldon Adelson looking for Republican Candidate to back 2016 http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/dana-milbank-gop-candidates-kiss-up-to-billionaire-sheldon-adelson/2014/04/01/5ba335dc-b9dc-11e3-9a05-c739f29ccb08_story.html

When we look at what Bills Republicans block it is evident greedy, corrupt Governors want all the tax dollars to go towards the Wealthy whom they are working for. They DO NOT CARE if blocking these bills prevent people from getting medical care and die, that by not extending Employment benefits people will lose their homes, that by not raising minimum wage people continue to live in poverty, that by not reforming student loans, students cannot pay off their debt. 

The following are 

The Republican "Great White Hope" Election Fraud 

Supreme Court (SCOTUS) strikes down Political Donation Cap

PCs directing voters to wrong polls, Liberals charge - Robocalls
